On powering up, I only get "COMPAQ" displayed on monitor. No POST. However, if I move the mouse, I get what I think is a beep code 323 from regular speakers.
I suspect BIOS battery gone, or power defective, but am wondering what to do next. (This is for a friend)
Appreciate any suggestions. Leewill

Sorry, I forgot to add I tried a Win98 boot floppy and I could hear the drive responding, but nothing on screen. Leewill

Sorry, I forgot to add I tried a Win98 boot floppy and I could hear the drive responding, but nothing on screen. Leewill

try going into cmos. Del, F1 or F2 depending on what computer model, at bootup. try restoring default settings & save & exit. After reboot see if it boots up windows.

could also be bad ram, bad cpu, bad cd drives,hard drives, or bad motherboard

Thanks for the replies. I guess it could be many different causes. What if the Battery was bad? I mean "dead". Could this be a possibility? I am going to take the battery out and test it or replace it as it can't make it much worse. Maybe a case for the computer shop.
Thanks again. How does one reset the bios if the battery is dead?

Thanks for the replies. I guess it could be many different causes. What if the Battery was bad? I mean "dead". Could this be a possibility? I am going to take the battery out and test it or replace it as it can't make it much worse. Maybe a case for the computer shop.
Thanks again. How does one reset the bios if the battery is dead?

probably in most cases it would go to default, but if not reseting to default & rebooting would allow normal function even with a bad battery in 99% of all cases. If you only see COMPAQ then it is very possible that the hard drive went out.

Thanks for the replies. I guess it could be many different causes. What if the Battery was bad? I mean "dead". Could this be a possibility? I am going to take the battery out and test it or replace it as it can't make it much worse. Maybe a case for the computer shop.
Thanks again. How does one reset the bios if the battery is dead?

I wouldn't necesarily go runnin to the computer shop unless you're ready for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ handout. Unless you know somebody that works cheap like i do here in the KC area.

I had the same problemb, i think you have the same computer as me, it started when i re-built it, and i cant remember what i did, i am sure that it has nothing to do whith the battery. try cheking that all the wires inside are in firmly, and the CPU is in properly. It that dosent work, try re-building your computer. I think it might be a problemb with the CPU not being in the correct position, or the RAM cards ( maby they are loose?). Chek the hard drive is set as master.

i need a boot floppy for windows 98se can you help me where to download one to a floppy i lost my original one and i need to reinstall windows you may want to replace the battery or some part of the computer may not be working correctly let me know about the floppy i can not unzip it from the computer i use for the internet so it would need to be one i can just download to a floppy

You might try this.
Restart computer into 'safe' mode. Click Start/Run and type in scandisk /all (note space between the k and the/)(DO A FULL COMPLETE SURFACE scan of the HD and covert any lost area into files). After it completes, shut down computer. Wait a couple of minutes. Restart (again) in 'safe' mode. Click Start/Run and type in scanreg /fix (note there is a space between the g and /). This will reset all registry settings. The computer will probably shut down and restart but if it does not, shut down and restart. A Virus, Trojan (or sometimes) Spyware will block the settings from fully loading on boot-up. Run a 'full-up' scan for all. Also suggest you insert the Win98 CD and overlay (reload) the operating system files from the CD. Good Luck.

i don't think that will work i need a product key for windows 98se and i did not get the manual with the cd i bought the cd at a used store that sells used items the computer will not boot into windows:mad:

You might try this.
Restart computer into 'safe' mode. Click Start/Run and type in scandisk /all (note space between the k and the/)(DO A FULL COMPLETE SURFACE scan of the HD and covert any lost area into files). After it completes, shut down computer. Wait a couple of minutes. Restart (again) in 'safe' mode. Click Start/Run and type in scanreg /fix (note there is a space between the g and /). This will reset all registry settings. The computer will probably shut down and restart but if it does not, shut down and restart. A Virus, Trojan (or sometimes) Spyware will block the settings from fully loading on boot-up. Run a 'full-up' scan for all. Also suggest you insert the Win98 CD and overlay (reload) the operating system files from the CD. Good Luck.

If you were able to boot the computer previously, try starting your computer in 'safe' mode by turning on and while unit is booting, immediately start tapping F8 and continue tapping the key until you get a choice menu. Arrow down and chose safe mode. After computer loads into safe mode, click Start/Run and type in scanreg /fix. It might work for you, but without a product key, you might be out of luck.
Good Luck.

If the battery died or something clobbered the CMOS ram, the computer has forgotten the hard disk type, and possibly the floppy disk types (especially if a 1.2MB drive is installed).

If you can get into the CMOS and BIOS setup menu, you have to re-enter the info on everything about the computer. And if there is no battery, you have to do it every time you start the computer.

Worse is the case where the battery leaked and ate some of the motherboard traces.

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