I recently upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 on my GATEWAY ML6731 notebook. When I selected the upgrade everything was fine. When Win 7 finished installing it just wouldnt load back up windows 7 at all to the main screen or Vista. I tried reinstalling my Vista and it asks for a product key. I tried entering the product key under my notebook and it says that my key cannot be validated. I dont have the system restore cds from gateway. When I try to reinstall vista/repair it it will say i need a product key so I bypass that by not entering a product key and select continue without a product key. Then when it tries to install I get this message "The installation was canceled. Windows cannOt open the required file E:\Sources\Install.wim. Make sure all files required for installation are available and restart the installation. Error code: 0X8007000D
what did I do wrong? What can I do to fix this so I can get my notebook up and running to run my business.