Ok, this is a new one for me...

One of my clients is saying that when she writes a new email in Outlook and send it, then goes to her home page (Google) that her subject line from the email shows up in the address bar of her google.

She said it is just an annoyance and does not affect anything else but asked me why.

I just shrugged my shoulders and said..."I will see if I can find out"

Any ideas?



Maybe you should ask her a few more questions.
Does it happen all the time?
How does she send the email (by clicking on a email link or other means)?
Does she have the web browser open already, or does the web browser start up with the homepage and subject line shown? etc...

Yeah, maybe it is just Google being clever, pre-loading that subject line so she can do a search for it, or open that email in Outlook. Google want to own the world. The bit Bill doesn't.

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