I'm running Windows XP
Whenever I boot or restart my computer I get the following message:

nwiz.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Error Signature:
AppName: nwiz.exe AppVer: ModName: nview.dll
ModVer: Offset: 00002429

Files included in this error report:

Does anyone know how I can eliminate this? I still haven't gotten a reply. Has anyone else gotten this message?

Go into the registry and remove the following keys:


That should fix your problem up, but the real issue is that your video driver should probably be updated.

your nVidia driver is corrupted and you should re-install you Video driver.

Thanks I'll give it a try tonight

I'm running Windows XP
Whenever I boot or restart my computer I get the following message:

nwiz.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Error Signature:
AppName: nwiz.exe AppVer: ModName: nview.dll
ModVer: Offset: 00002429

Files included in this error report:

Does anyone know how I can eliminate this? I still haven't gotten a reply. Has anyone else gotten this message?

Thanks I'll try this tonight. One of these suggestions should work.

your nVidia driver is corrupted and you should re-install you Video driver.

hey the simplest way is to go to startup list and uncheck it from the list.
start->run->msconfig go to startup tab and uncheck nwiz.exe

hey the simplest way is to go to startup list and uncheck it from the list.
start->run->msconfig go to startup tab and uncheck nwiz.exe

That's not a complete solution. That's more of a workaround.

I did go to my registry to look for these items but I did not find listed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\NvMediaCenter. Should I worry about finding this? I also tried to update my drivers alone and so far this hasn't made a difference. I will try going into the registry and erase what you said and see if that works.

question, do you have an nVidia graphics card? if you do and it ask these questions then re-install. if you don't then these really wont hurt ur system. problem is once u 've installed a nVidia driver it tends to keep that in system32 and it wont go away even after u uninstalled them.
those 3 files will always pop back up after you have erased them. no matter how many times u've deleted them. it's an auto startup file from nVidia nvdll that had affected windows dynamic library file to load everytime. i ve had this problem b4, best way to handle it was installing nvidia drivers in again and uninstall it and and they wont popup the annoying questions and go on with it. i ve learned to live with it being in my registry. worst thing to do is to download a registryfix program and that is extrem nightmare. caution noted.

A reinstall of the driver is a good solution as it sounds like your drivers are corrupt. As for your concern that disabling is a workaround and not a solution, I beg to differ. I never use the nwiz stuff anyways. After installing the nVidia drivers, I delete all the startup entries from the registry. I also disable the nVidia Display Driver Service. That way, the startup items are not restored. I've had no performance degradation because of this. On the contrary, my computer starts up faster.

FYI, deleting the registry keys from 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' is the same as disabling the items using msconfig, the only advantage being that if you use msconfig, you can restore the items easily.

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