Hi, I'm running Windows XP and have multiple accounts going using Fast User Switching. I'm looking for a method to turn off the message that says "Other people are logged on to this computer. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data. Do you want to continue shutting down?" whenever I shut down the computer. Is there a registry hack or something to prevent that dialog box from displaying?

Hi, I'm running Windows XP and have multiple accounts going using Fast User Switching. I'm looking for a method to turn off the message that says "Other people are logged on to this computer. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data. Do you want to continue shutting down?" whenever I shut down the computer. Is there a registry hack or something to prevent that dialog box from displaying?

Hi don't know the reg edit for the message but here what i found on the net and did to shutdown quick ,create a new shortcut on you desk to and put this in when asked ,

%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 00

,this will create a quick shutdown icon ,use it tho turn off computer

I would like to disable this message too. When I press the button on the front of the computer I would like it to shut down. I use this computer via remote desktop so there is no monitor or keyboard. Is there a way to disable this message, or override it? Is there a way to customize the button to run a command line that would force shutdown? Thanks!

This is the message I find in the event viewer after the machine will not shut down.....

Other people are logged on to this computer. Shutting down Windows might cause them to lose data.

Do you want to continue shutting down?

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