I'm running Windows XP SP3 and am having problems with different Windows or Office programs displaying the "Not Responding" message. Excel, Word, Outlook email, and must recently, My Computer and a 3rd party application from Cerner Corporation (Pharmacy app). Task Manager will not kill the apps and eventually taskbar and all Desktop icons disappear.

Usually, I can get into Task Manager to close all other programs except those that are not responding and restart. Other times, either I cannot get to Task Manager or get BSOD during shutdown and have to power off the PC to reboot.

Most recently today, I got an UNS.exe -Application error message.. Instruction at "0x7c809823" referenced memory at "0x01299648". The memory could not be "written".

Is this a hard disc error meaning that my hard disc needs to be replaced or there other remedies?

I'm running Windows XP SP3 and am having problems with different Windows or Office programs displaying the "Not Responding" message. Excel, Word, Outlook email, and must recently, My Computer and a 3rd party application from Cerner Corporation (Pharmacy app). Task Manager will not kill the apps and eventually taskbar and all Desktop icons disappear.

Usually, I can get into Task Manager to close all other programs except those that are not responding and restart. Other times, either I cannot get to Task Manager or get BSOD during shutdown and have to power off the PC to reboot.

Most recently today, I got an UNS.exe -Application error message.. Instruction at "0x7c809823" referenced memory at "0x01299648". The memory could not be "written".

Is this a hard disc error meaning that my hard disc needs to be replaced or there other remedies?

hi,there, have u restored the system before?
and about the [UNS.exe],there are 2 possibilities:
one.if it is issued by Verisign,located in the C:\Program Files\Intel(R) Management Engine Components ,then it's Okay.
two,if it is located in c:\windows or in the c:\windows\system32,it would be harmful.
for the two,or u should apply a security scan onto yr sysetem using a powerful antivirus-software,such as the Spydig,AVG,Avast,and so on.
good luck,be helpful

I'm running Windows XP SP3 and am having problems with different Windows or Office programs displaying the "Not Responding" message. Excel, Word, Outlook email, and must recently, My Computer and a 3rd party application from Cerner Corporation (Pharmacy app). Task Manager will not kill the apps and eventually taskbar and all Desktop icons disappear.

Usually, I can get into Task Manager to close all other programs except those that are not responding and restart. Other times, either I cannot get to Task Manager or get BSOD during shutdown and have to power off the PC to reboot.

Most recently today, I got an UNS.exe -Application error message.. Instruction at "0x7c809823" referenced memory at "0x01299648". The memory could not be "written".

Is this a hard disc error meaning that my hard disc needs to be replaced or there other remedies?

You may have an infection, so please read this.
Please post the logs in the virus forum.

Could be a bad RAM module. Have it check. If you have spare RAM you might want to swap. On your hard disk. You may do a scan disk or maybe defrag your hard disk. Virus could be the culprit as well. Try all those and see the outcome and post it here.

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