When I click on START and ALL PROGRAMS, I have two software programs downloaded yesterday not showing up on the list. Can someone tell me why and what to do please?


Did you install the software or just download the installer.

Have you tried navigating to the folder the software installed to? There may be an executable their to start the program; you could create a short cut to the executable.

Some software provides you with a choice to show the program in the start menu maybe that option wasn't selected or by default didn't list it's self.

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First of all I had some kind of virus and some of my programs had to be re-installed. One of the software I had to re-installed totally and call the Company to ask them for a special code and the other I just had to enter my Installation Key no. found on my CD and with no problems I opened my software.

I did navigate to the folder of the software to get the execute file i order to have an Icon on my desktop. But as I said before these 2 software don't show up in the last of programs when you click on Start/All programs.

Thanks for your help.


Did you install the software or just download the installer.

Have you tried navigating to the folder the software installed to? There may be an executable their to start the program; you could create a short cut to the executable.

Some software provides you with a choice to show the program in the start menu maybe that option wasn't selected or by default didn't list it's self.

- Let us know how it goes.

First of all I had some kind of virus and some of my programs had to be re-installed. One of the software I had to re-installed totally and call the Company to ask them for a special code and the other I just had to enter my Installation Key no. found on my CD and with no problems I opened my software.

I did navigate to the folder of the software to get the execute file i order to have an Icon on my desktop. But as I said before these 2 software don't show up in the last of programs when you click on Start/All programs

Did the program run?

You may put the program executable manually in the programs folder. Try dragging the executable over the start button, then over the all programs and then release the executable in the programs folder. (keep the mouse button down until you get the exe icon to were you want it)

- Let us know how it goes.

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