Hello,my question is: Is there any way i can make my current account to have admin rigths? I search on google but instead of give my current account admin priviliges it created a new Administrator account. I am using win 7

Hello,my question is: Is there any way i can make my current account to have admin rigths?

Hi,answer is yes,but if it the only acct on the computer it likely all ready does.what is it not letting you do

go start ,control panel ,clcik acccts users icon /go to users acct;click on change your acct type ,if admin is not checked off check it off

I tried that. I doesnt let me change. I want to copy files on C:\, and i did go in properties of disk c: and change there permissions for my account,so i can to anything,it gave me some errors that cannot write on c:\boot or c:\bootmgr or something, but now i have full access.But the only change is that now that when i copy file on C: now it gives me Please remove the write protection .....How can i resolve this ?

I want to copy files on C:\

does that mean you want to copy and remove them from c:\ and put them on another drive , or copy file to C:\
is c:\ you main drive with windows installed onto it ,or just a storage Drive

you could try creating a new user with full admin rights and see if it will let you copy the files

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