I have a Intel Celeron e1400 @ 2Ghz cpu on a zotac mobo.I had xp installed on it and my sound was working fine.I upgraded to windows 7 and suddenly there were no more sound.The sound icon were present in the bottom right corner on the taskbar, I ckecked again in control panel for sound and sound seemed to be present, yet no sound sound waves seemed to be streaming through my speakers, not even when I plugged in my earphones, or when I installed my mobo's sound drivers that I got when purchased my mobo. I decided then to re-install windows xp and vioala!(am using correct spelling here?, anyway..)sound were present again.Please help me here. I love xp, but I also really want to upgrade to 7, it just seems so much cooler and has such I current feel to it.

Does your motherboard CD actually have audio drivers for Windows 7? I very much doubt it if the mobo was "designed" for XP.

Have a look here - http://www.zotacusa.com/downloads/?cat=77 for more up to date drivers. If you cannot get Windows 7 drivers for your mobo then Vista 32bit drivers are likely to work.

Make sure your computer has a sound card.

You must be logged on as an administrator to perform these steps.

Open Device Manager by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Maintenance, and then clicking Device Manager.* Administrator permission required If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

Expand the Sound, video and game controllers category. If a sound card is listed, you have one installed. If no sound card is listed, You will need to install one.

Follow everyone advise first. Make sure it is not muted but i doubt it will be. Second make sure that is not the only problem you are facing. I have friends who use xp and upgrade to 7 but they experience not only sound problem but freezing and slow start up problem. Make sure your sound settings is reset to default, check other computer to confirm this. MAke sure sound input and output is on so you can hear sound without or with ear piece. Follow the two poster advise first.

If you have installed win 7, and can not find the win 7 drivers for your sound, you will have to download the vista drivers for your board ( rem to check if you are using a 32 or 64 bit) and use them. A number of older boards are not supported by win 7 but vista driver often work, maybe not with full functionality, but it will give sound.

If you read all the posts you will see that I have already suggested that Vista drivers might work. The poster also stated that he has a 32bit CPU so it wont be windows 7 64bit.

Where does the OP state they have a 32bit OS?

The OP stated they have an Intel CPu, yet you gave AMD downloads?


Do you have front Audio port's also or just from back?

Have you tried doing a BIOS update so it comptaible with WIn7?

Can you state the exact model of the motherboard as there were some issue's with no Audio on some mothermoards.

See all Downloads here.


Please follow all steps, which other poster's have advised also.

I have a Intel Celeron e1400

Last time I looked that was and always has been a 32bit CPU and I don't know where you got the AMD drivers bit from, I gave a link to the mobo manufacturers website.

Last time I looked that was and always has been a 32bit CPU and I don't know where you got the AMD drivers bit from, I gave a link to the mobo manufacturers website.

Some have 32 bit only while other have 64bit and 32 bit.

Rik, all I did was confirm that vista drivers will work. I know from experience older cpus do not have win 7 support. As it being 32 bit or 64 bit, xp and vista run in 32 bit mode on a 64 bit cpu, but win 7 will load automatically as 64 bit. ELROYG58 has a 64 bit cpu so it will make a difference as to which drivers are used. What ELROYG58 needs to do is goto the motherboard site and download the vista driver for either 32 bit or 64 bit, depending on win 7 is loaded.

Last time I looked that was and always has been a 32bit CPU and I don't know where you got the AMD drivers bit from, I gave a link to the mobo manufacturers website.

Rik I suggest you look at your link as it takes you to the AMD drivers of the Manufacturer. The reason I posted the correct link.

Confused why you say it's not 64bit?



You need to reply to our question's.

Rik I suggest you look at your link as it takes you to the AMD drivers of the Manufacturer. The reason I posted the correct link.

Confused why you say it's not 64bit?



You need to reply to our question's.

Hah! I was just going to post him the same reply! same link and everything!


RIK seems to be jumping the gun on quite a few threads.

nice to see someone with a bit of old skool skill out there, Bal. keep it up! Rep points coming your way...

commented: Not helpful -2

I think as Bal said,try a BIOS update.Mostly there are compatibility issues between BIOS and win 7 OS.Try it......

hi, Brother, I read your post, Brother this problem not a big problem simple you install sound driver and enjoy sound.

commented: Crap and nonsense. And who is your brother anyway? -2
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