I have a Neo B32238 Laptop running an Intel Duo CPU T650@2.1GHz
2G Mem with 1.87 useable running for over 2 year on Windows 7.
It works well in all respects other than I just lost the ability to access a wireless network that had been operating well in the recent past. It worked at night and when I tried to connect the next morning it could not find the wireless network.
I have been getting a popup window for some time [wireless was still working] Top of window = Hotkey, inside the window =
Runtime error
‘-2147217405. (80041003)’
Automation error.
on boot, after windows was loaded but was looking for network. I would click OK and use my laptop as normal.
I have run a Windows emergency boot disc to check for problems, after finishing it said something like to allow wlan to work you need to restart. A restart produced the same problems. I also ran my computer’s CD with drivers and reloaded the wireless LAN getting the same instruction to reboot to get it to start.
I have a paid Avaira prog running and fully updated and have run it and a boot virus checker from Windows as well as Malwarebytes [updated] and found no reportable problems.
I can still connect to the say wireless network by cable or use my phone to connect wirelessly and I have used another computer on the wireless network while mine failed to detect it.
Everything except the wireless connection works and the wireless conection works on other computers and was working on this one at night but not on reboot in the morning. I did not install, uninstall, or change any program. I only used my email and social networking sites. There is nothing different I have done to my computer than I have done hundreds of times before.
Any ideas?