Reformatted and installed my Win XP. Unable to connect to the Internet, neither with cable nor wireless. Have wireless on my two Win 7 machines. On the XP, I get the following messages: Ethernet Controller - "Drivers for this device are not installed (Code 28)". Found and reinstalled a driver, but get the message: "Code 28, drivers for Ethernet Controller are not installed". In Device Manager, the Ethernet Controller has a yellow question mark, yet the wireless card does not have a question mark, but I still cannot connect. I cannot download the driver from Microsoft because I have no internet connection on this XP, tried to download the drivers on my Win 7, but it will not let me download any xp drivers since it recognizes my Win 7 and will only give me Win 7 drivers.

Have also a Win XP Notebook, but need advice on how to download the drivers onto a CD in order to transfer it to the other XP.

Could anyone help?


Hi,I fix /repair computers of all OS types and i use win7 to download drives for winxp/vista/98,and even MAC ,so no reason why you cant do it ,I would also suggest getting a USB thumb drive, to use for getting the files from one computer to the other,instead of using a cd .
what is make and model of the computer you reinstalled windows xp on .

Hi, my computer's make is Compaq EVO. It seemed that my first reformatting and reinstallation was incomplete because I could not find the product key, so I reformatted and reinstalled the operating system, entered the product key and all went well, but when I checked the devices manager, there were yellow question marks next to the ethernet controller and the wireless card was not listed. Could you please tell me where can I find a free Ethernet Controller drive download for my Windows XP.

During the installation, I watched it in detail and saw that among the drivers installed was the Ethernet Controller, but the system cannot find it. Would it be some hardware mulfunction or defect?

What is a USB thumb drive? is it a USB stick used to copy photos, music etc.?



yes a usb stick is the same ,it can transfer any type of file .

i need the model number not just the model ,it shoud be on the bottom of the laptop by the windows key sticker

It is not a laptop, it is a desktop and the model number is:

D51C/P2 4/40/k/256Ad SWI_8 COMPAQ TM

Serial Number: 6S2CKN8ZX22E

It is not a laptop, it is a desktop and the model number is:

D51C/P2 4/40/k/256Ad SWI_8 COMPAQ TM

Serial Number: 6S2CKN8ZX22E

evo d51c ,should be the model but all i find in google is d510

It is d510, you are right.

Thanks for the HP driver link. Which of the drivers should I download? Any of the network drivers, and which one? Or the modem driver. Do I download it onto a USB stick and then copy to the XP?


Which of the four links is the correct one for your PC?

Any of the network drivers should do as long as it is for XP.

and yes ,just download and put them on the usb stick and copy them to the xp computer ,and then they need to be installed ,they should be .exe files so you just click on them to install the driver

Hello again,

This is to thank you for your kind assistance in locating my missing Ethernet Controller Driver. I followed your instructions, downloaded the HP link onto a USB then copied to my XP and installed it and thanks to you, it works perfectly!!

I always get great professional help from Daniweb and am happy to have joined the Daniweb community. Thanks again.


your welcome ,happy computing

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