Hello, friends!

Well, I did logon in the S.O Windows XP Professional. Like Administrator, I try change Date and time, so show me a messenger that I haven't permissions.. So, Here is the question: how? I'm a administrator!

I dont understand... I search for this in the google, but I dont found nothing like this.

Nota: Sorry for my bad english.

Try create a new account and give it administrative rights. See whether that works, if yes something is wrong with your current admin account.

sometimes this is caused by a virus /trojan

- jingda, I dit it. But the problem keep even creating another administrator account...

- Caperjack, I think so. But I did scan with my antivirus,I use Microsoft Securite Essentials, and nothing found. Maybe this antivirus-Microsoft is not good. What do think about?

I dont want format the computer. :/

i use the MSE and it works fine for me .
if i were you i would scan with malwarebytes .click the download now and get the trial version

Okay, I will try the MSE, after I post the the result.
Thank you for sugestion.

Okay, I will try the MSE, after I post the the result.
Thank you for sugestion.

you said you already use MSE, so try the malwarebytes program too

I'm sorry! I got confused.

So, I did Scan with Malwarebytes and found any viruses, but the problem keep :/

But I won't give up! haha

By the way, Thank you again caperjack for help me with this problem.

just found this ,try hitting f8 on bootup ,go safe mode ,login to administrator acct ,usually when windows is installed this admin acct is created ,and try resetting admin rights to your acct .

oh, Its work! (:

nice site, very constructive information!

Thank you!

oh, Its work! (:

nice site, very constructive information!

Thank you!

your welcome ,happy computing

its in the registry i cant remember the exact domain but its there

its in the registry i cant remember the exact domain but its there

the registry is not broke up into domains ,and this thread has already been solved ,thanks

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