I'm having issues with sending emails with PDF attachments from OE 6 in Windows XP. When we attach a PDF and send the email the email stays in the outbox even though the email is sent.
OE reports an error but doesn't list what the error is. It just says "
some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details."
I've checked all the settings in OE and they appear to be fine and it's only one machine in the office thats having issues.

Any suggestions on things i can check or do would be appreciated as i'm at a loss apart from removing OE and re-installing it.


check your virus scanner and make sure that it's not blocking file extensions such as pdf. Also, check your security settings in OE and make sure its not blocking it either.

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Yeah reinstall it.

So you can see that the sent email is in the 'Sent items" folder?
You may have a corrupted email in the outbox from previous attempts.
Try deleting the email that is stuck in the outbox, and then send another similar email and see if this goes, or gets stuck too.
Have you got "Hang up after sending and recieving" ticked in Tools> Options > Connection. If you have Norton checking the email as it goes out you need to disable the scanning on sending option, as itcan tell you that the message has not been sent when it actually has.

I'm having issues with sending emails with PDF attachments from OE 6 in Windows XP. When we attach a PDF and send the email the email stays in the outbox even though the email is sent.
OE reports an error but doesn't list what the error is. It just says "
some errors occurred while processing the requested tasks. Please review the list of errors below for more details."
I've checked all the settings in OE and they appear to be fine and it's only one machine in the office thats having issues.

Any suggestions on things i can check or do would be appreciated as i'm at a loss apart from removing OE and re-installing it.


Yep. Corruption is the key to OE. It's built-in, i think... :).
Open an explorer window and do a search for your OE account name - it will lie in a nest of folders something like local settings\outlook express - there may be anothe folder with a string of gibberish [ i dunno exactly cos i moved mine out of the sys vol and gave it a sensible path... :) ]
Open your account folder and rename the sent and outbox folders to Sent Items.dbx.old and Outbox.dbx.old...
You will see that OE will generate new, clean folders to replace the lost ones. Now try an email. If you only have junk in the old folders and everything is fine, just delete them. Now if your issue is solved by this, and if you really wish to read/keep the text contents in those two renamed folders keep in mind that they are corrupted, so DRAG them into a new notepad.... scroll away and copy sections you want. [note that your pics in there are text-based also...[ i don't mean a pic of a wet dog is called a pic of a wet dog - all the pixel info is in text characters] isn't email a wonderful thing?]

an if you need instructions on repairing OE just buzz.

Tyr my suggestions before you go renaming the inbox folder.

Check the size of the sent items folder. If its more than 1.99 GB then you will get this error. Empty/move items out or close OE and rename sentitems.dbx to sentitems.old and try again to see if it works. Max size of .dbx in OE is 1.99GB

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