I am using Yahoo messenger and my operating system is Windows 7. I can do text message in my messenger ( Yahoo ), but no vidio I can not broadcast. On the other hand I can see the vidio. Can you say what is the problem?
Please reply.

do you have webcam in your computer?

do you have webcam in your computer?

Yes , I have webcam in my Laptop. Then what is the problem?

Yes , I have webcam in my Laptop. Then what is the problem?

is MSN or others working? try other Clients and see if it works. check also if you can use your webcam with any other app

is MSN or others working?

What does it mean?
In my Laptop there is windows live msn and skyp also. But I only use Yahoo.msn.

What does it mean?
In my Laptop there is windows live msn and skyp also. But I only use Yahoo.msn.

Does skype work with videos?
if yes check this entry

Does skype work with videos?
if yes check this entry

There is no problem in settings. I have noticed that only one address(id) can not see my vidio.But the others can see? But the ID (my father) who can not watch my vidio, he also have web camera and I can see him. Then where is the problem?

There is no problem in settings. I have noticed that only one address(id) can not see my vidio.But the others can see? But the ID (my father) who can not watch my vidio, he also have web camera and I can see him. Then where is the problem?

go and check configurations (reinstall?) of his Messenger!

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