
I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me here. Is it possible to restore a folder that was deleted from microsoft outlook 2003? What happend was i accidentally deleted the folder called junk-email.

Also, if i may ask this question. On the folder say "junk Email", there is a little circle with a line crossing it diagonally in red ( right on the top of the folder image ) - Not sure i think that image might be part of the junk-email logo. I hope i can explain it well

Thank you in advance

Yes, deleted folder of emails can be recovered provided they have not got overwritten by now by new email messages. Try using Outlook Mail Recovery Software. It would surely recover the deleted emails.


I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me here. Is it possible to restore a folder that was deleted from microsoft outlook 2003? What happend was i accidentally deleted the folder called junk-email.

Also, if i may ask this question. On the folder say "junk Email", there is a little circle with a line crossing it diagonally in red ( right on the top of the folder image ) - Not sure i think that image might be part of the junk-email logo. I hope i can explain it well

Thank you in advance

I don't know how to restore the folder itself but maybe you can restore your deleted emails. I know about a software tool, the one that helped me in recovering my emails. You can find it at [snipped]

I hope it can help you too!

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