This is yogesh.

yesterday i realised that in my 'C'drive/programme file there is a folder with the size of 32GB.
When i opened that folder i got so many .bak files. Now i am not able to delete them from my pc. At the time of deleting them
I get error massage saying that "You can't delete it."
NOw my 'C' drive is total full. I am not able to acess my internet and i am not able to install any kind of software in my pc.

Please help me.


Unlocker.exe. Free.

I am not able to acess my internet and i am not able to install any kind of software in my pc

do you do a lot of gaming and save the game for future use ,maybe just go into the gameand delete the saved games!!

if the live linux doesnt work have you tried safe mode ,get to save mode by hitting f8 on bootup

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