Hello people!
I have a question. I use windows xp operating system and ms office professional 2007.
When I want to import a tif file in Excel 2007 as a hyperlink from Hyperlink button, I succed import the tif file, but when I double click on the link it occurs this message:

Opening C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Desctop\mypic.tif

Some files can contain viruses or otherwise be harmful to your computer. It is important to be certain that this file is from a trustworthy source.
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Well, I would like to know how I can to open some tif file that is importing in excel programm as a hyperlink without see this message every time. Can anybody tell me?

Thank you very much!

You probably need to change your Excel security settings to a less restrictive mode. I only have Office 2003 and there is nothing I can find in Excel for hyperlink security, but there may be for 2007. In any case, I get the same dialog when I embed a hyperlink. If you just want the picture, then you may want to embed it directly into the spreadsheet instead of hyperlinking it.

no, I want to import the picture as a hyperlink, but I don't want to see this warnings message again

I changed the macros settings in excel, but excel displays the message again

Well, I think that you may be SOL unless you embed the graphic directly and not as a hyperlink.

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