I just updated to the recent version of Firefox 8.0, but it will not open. I have Windows 7. I've uninstalled it numerous times and rebooted just as many times, but to no avail.

Is it just firefox 8.0 you were having trouble with? Are you having trouble with other version?

I guess I haven't tried reverting to a previous version of FF and opening that. Would it be a clear-cut and simple operation to find the previous version and do that?

Is it just firefox 8.0 you were having trouble with? Are you having trouble with other version?

Member Avatar for v3ga

ya its very simple or use chrome, anyway 9 will come tomorrow so y bother fixing 8

I just updated to the recent version of Firefox 8.0, but it will not open. I have Windows 7. I've uninstalled it numerous times and rebooted just as many times, but to no avail.

Try reverting back to an older version, worked for me.

Would you recommend trying for FF 7 (since both 8 and 9 failed to work for me)?
How do you get an older version of FF?


Try reverting back to an older version, worked for me.

How do you get an older version of FF?

the filehippo link in my last post has all versions listed on the right hand side ,click on the version you want to try ,then click on download this version ,top right of screen

Member Avatar for v3ga

Firefox 9 is out try it

Thank you for the filehippo link. I used it to download 7.0 and 9.0.1; unfortunately none of the versions of FF I download ever gets past the "Checking for Add-ons" portion of installation (just as FF is being launched). It "checks for add-ons" for hours and hours, until you shut down the computer, and then the .exe process seems to terminate and just be dormant. How can I get around this "checking for add-ons" checkpoint so I can finally successfully launch an FF version?

the filehippo link in my last post has all versions listed on the right hand side ,click on the version you want to try ,then click on download this version ,top right of screen

it sounds more like you have a virus /trojan on your computer, that maybe causing you troubles

Would this trojan or virus be capable of entering my computer even if my Norton 360 Security says the computer is protected and fulled scanned?

it sounds more like you have a virus /trojan on your computer, that maybe causing you troubles

Would this trojan or virus be capable of entering my computer even if my Norton 360 Security says the computer is protected and fulled scanned?

short answer is Yes it would

How would I check for and get rid of it?

short answer is Yes it would

Hey, thanks so much for the link and directions. I downloaded it and scanned my computer--no malware found. Where do I go from here?

give malwarebytes a run and after the scan click on view details and check for it to clean items found ,if it finds any ,

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