hii iam having 3gb ram and 160gb harddisk and currently iam using windows 7.now i want to use windows sever as second operating system and next i want to install linux in my pc is it possible??
and how to install multiple operating systems in single pc. i have to run threee opearting systems in single pc please help

and my processor is dual core

Is it ubuntu?, there's an alongside windows installer
(you can check the ubuntu site for more info about this)
other than that I think you can partition the hard drive

I would suggest that you do not multi-boot the system because backing-out of the changes will basically result in you having to reload the OSs from scratch. My suggestion is to install a VM product (VirtualBox, VMWare, or Virtual PC) on your Windows 7 host computer and create guest VMs that you can easily load and delete when you are done without modifying your host operating system at all.

May I ask why you are using windows server?

You should be able to install all these OSes on one machine or virtual machines, not that I imagine having 3 operating systems being to useful.

Why are you after installing all these operating systems on one computer?

i like to have multple OS's because of compatiblity & stability. if one goes down boot the other. plus then i can advise ppl better if i have the OS they are using at my fingertips.
you have to be very careful that you do not waste your Windows 7 key, if it is a retail key, do not worry about it, if it is a MAK(multiple activation),be careful, you don't want to waste the activations.
if you want to transfer your retail key to another machine, you must first deactivate it on the old machine.

as mentioned, start by creating partitions

another method is having multiple hard drives and then using the BIOS to boot from different hard drives.

I like to dual boot too, but server??? why?

AS far as trying different flavours of OSes I find virtual machines much more convenient.

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