I have recently been having a few issues with my Toshiba laptop. It is about 5yrs old and rund on Vista, and recently is won't turn on, and all I see is a black screen with a white cursor. I have tried running sc /scannow from the task manager, but this only brings up a box, which just flashes and then disappears. Internet explorer was also doing the same thing, flashing up and then disappearing, even from the task manager. The system error scan that it offers when restarting does nothing, and it ususally takes about four attempts to get it to turn on.
Also, the internet toolbar at the bottom of the screen (with the start button etc) keeps freezing and having to be restarted, someimes five or six times per hour, as restarting often does not work, and sometimes it just disappears completely.
Any ideas on how to fix any of this?