Hi, can i ask some help with you all experts...I have a laptop and i want to put a restriction to the other user account,I have only 1 administrator account and 1 user account.I want that he cannot install software and only me can install as the administrator with the full access.can you please help me how to set up.i am new for this.

Thank you in advance.

You can go to control panel and click on the "user accounts" applet. You can create accounts there and assign the appropriate membership (user vs administrator).

I created now,but how can i restrict him that he cannot install program.is there a configuration to do?Thank you in advance

If you have the UAC enabled, the system would prompt the user for admin credentials prior to allowing the program install ( for Vista and later).

For XP, it's a little more challenging.

@JorgeM,THank you it's working now.

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