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What is the syntax of command for viewing list of commands in command prompt?I have tried help command but it does not work.

i would guess there are to many to list , this site in the link says there are 280 of them ,and it would be a different number with each version of windows
another good site

What operating system are you referring to? There are slight differences and the list of commands will also slightly vary.

my first link has a list of all window versions

ah, didnt click on the link you provided.

Member Avatar for Zaina jee

I am using Windows 7. I visit that link but there is also 'help' command mentioned for that purpose. I have tried it but it does not work may be due to some syntax error.

In Windows 7, open a command prompt, simply type 'help' and hit enter. This will provide you with a list of commands.

Member Avatar for Zaina jee

I have tried it but it doesn't work and this message was displayed:
"'help' is not recognized as an internal or external help command, operable program or batch file"

try right click on the command icon and choose run as admin , and try, help


When you open a command prompt, try this...

type 'set' hit enter. Scroll up if needed, look for the entry called "path". It should contain a listing of directory entries. You should have at least, c:\windows;c:\windows\system32;

If you don't that would explain why you are getting the "not recognized" message.

Member Avatar for Zaina jee

I have tried it but I have same list of directory entries as you mentioned. I will try 'help' command in my university lab. Maybe it work.

Member Avatar for Zaina jee

Thnx JorgeM and caperjack. The help command was not working on my PC but it worked on other one.

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