StarTrekCafe 0 Newbie Poster
    hi. my name is Marvin, from Australia. i am totally blind. i use a screen reader called Job Access With speech (jaws), right! a picture of a shark. from okay here's my review of jaws 14. some of the new features i use include, when you can not read text on screen, like a menu on a dvd, you can use the ocr window, screen, or control. you press the insert key on a numberpad for a pc, or the caps lock key, which i use on a toshiba laptop. this is the insert key, so i press insert space bar, which is a layered keystroke toggle menu, press, o, which is for ocr, then w for window, it starts it, then it finishes, and puts it in the virtual buffer.  It then uses the mouse pointer or the jaws cursur voice. then i can then read the text. i use this when trying to install software, which does not read on screen.  i use the research it feature.  it is a series of looks ups, like the weather, time search, technology news from cnet. to get to this, use insert  space bar, then r, for research it. then you have a combo box, of where you can type entries, and then a list of the looks ups in another combo box. pretty ahndy. for the ocr, i should ahve said insert space, then o. sorry. my fault.  I also like the route jaws to pc, to read up and down the document window.  I also like the new human sounding voices, from, they make the real speak and now with jaws 14, vocaliser voices. which are more human sounding, then the robotic eloquence. which i use when doing coding or web design. the human voices, do not speak upper pitch, that's just the way it is.  jaws also has support for windows 8, and they have done a great job, of making it more accessible. also there updates features, where you can get jaws automatic updates for new versions.  so that's my quick review. it will work with such products as Microsoft Office, internet explorer, winamp, visual studio 2010, adobe dream weaver. Marvin.  ps: i hear there is another blind guy on donny web. would like to meet him. so maybe he can e-mail me or private message me.  . 
Reverend Jim commented: Thanks for the review. +0
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