yes, someone still actually uses the old windows 2000 professional. apparently my computer runs faster than any of my frens pc with Xp in em.
anyway, i know a lil bit about computer, im not a computer whizz, so i kinda got consfused when i got the following msg.
Windows Could Not Start Because the Following File Is Missing or Corrupt: \Winnt\System32\Config\Systemced
i googled it and i went to the microsoft page (amongts many pages) for support
just got stuck on one of the steps
under the title
"Restore a Backup of the System Hive"
step number 4
how do i choose my installation?? coz when it shows that question on the screen you can only type one letter/characther
my comp is an old comp. its got 3 installations, 2 windows 2000 pro (the first one of them is the one i want to repair) and a windows98. what command would make it go to the desired installation
sorry about that guy, as i told u im not a pc whizz , i just know the basic computing stuff.
any help would be great. thx
oh yeah, just another thing. i have 2 hard disks installed, the 1st one is where i installed all the programs, n the OS. the 2nd one is where i put all my datas. just in case i cant fix my problem as mentioned above (about the error msg), i want to replace my 1st hard disk with a new one. but if i do dat, would i still b able to open my files ont he 2nd hard disk?
thx all