I have a HP HDX Premium Series laptop with windows vista home and my ie browser keeps saying cannot connect to webpage. I have tried several different things I AM connected to the internet but it still won't let me browse.

I'm just finishing a second systems restore to see if that will work. Any suggestions?

I have tried several different things I AM connected to the internet but it still won't let me browse.

How do you know you are connected? Did you validate that you can PING some Internet hosts?

Have you tried with another browser such as Chrome, Firefox (just to determine if the problem is with IE or all browsing in general).

Just to rule out other things such as malware, do you have your AV running, latest engine and pattern files? Run a scan with MalwareBytes?

Anything else seems strange with your desktop experience?

If this seems only to be a problem with IE, you can try resetting IE to its default settings. This sometimes clears up things with issues left behind from settings, toolbars, etc.. Click on options, advanced tab, reset to default button.

Yes I did validated that I can PING internet hosts I unfortunately only have IE as a browser on my computer I don't have Chrome or Foxfire. I tried resetting IE to it's default settings that didn't work either. I have a different malware program that I can load and see if that works

Well, if you are unable to get another browser installed, do you recall if you have installed anything recently just before this started happening? maybe a restore to that system restore point would work.

If you want to try a different browser, if you have access to another PC, you can get a copy of a stand alone installer for Chrome that doesnt require Internet access during the installation.


If I don't care about any of the stuff I've downloaded or other files would a factory reset be a useable option? Is there a good chance that will fix my problem?

Since i dont know what causing the issue, i cannot provide gaurantees. But...ifit was working before and now its not...something has changed in this computer and assuming other devices on the network that are OK?

If everything points to this system, performing a factory reset will put the machine back to the point in time when you bought it. That should take care of any config, malware, etc...

Thanks for the help! We'll see how it goes.

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