Hi. My laptop hp pavilion dv6 havebhad numbers of trouble The last weeks.as u know i play wow.These lasr weeks i have had many blackscreens with themessage the system have automaticlyshutdown to protect the componets of overheating.But to night the screen went blue and a message about starting memorydump and it just restarted and asked if i wanted to go in safemode to write somecopys of my files. The laptop is 1.5 yeARand have allredy changed the hdd once.ithave 8gbram, qadcore and ati dualscreencard.IT ALL STrted after a update a coule of weeks agO. Please can some one plz help me.

oh that happens with me too.
and be sure you repair it soon. because of that too you may access with the crash of your hard disk...
that It happens with me and I have to add new Hard disk (all stored data gone)
the reason for this is: RAM.
You can rub the RAM and try it so...
If it still happens then get the new RAM.
Memory is related to ram...

Somewhat proof:
I just have the 2 Ram of 1 GB on my pc but one of the ram get stuck so that it not working more...
and making my PC to useless when I am going to access (load more CPU Usage)
basically if windows 7 loads much memory than of windows 8
But this result me with crash of the HDD so that I Lost my all Project Data as I could not even Load Bios as to format the HDD...

Please Replace the RAM. (remove the current ram)
don't keep both ram in single (result will be same if so)

I am sure the reason is this.
If you are using Windows 7 then you must atleast have 2GB Ram (32bit); 3GB Ram (64bit) because it uses aero effect.
Else 1GB ram for XP is enough

Hi. I have run a test on the memory, an nothing was wrong, the rogram gave me the advice to reinstall windows. I have 8gb ram on my comp and dual screen cardsfrom ati. So im now formatting my laptop. And after that reinstall windows. ( btw im writing on a tab and dont like it)

Your laptop is ovrheating. You need to get a professional to refurbish the cooling system.
If you keep on using it as it is you risk damaging the graphics processor and if you do that you will be facing a nice big bill for a new motherboard.

HP's are notorious for being damaged by overheating, especially the DV series so get it fixed as soon as possible.

I have just cleaned the cooling systen, an a virus killed coolsense. I hope it will work better now. Have u Guys got any tip about a good free antivirus, because microsoft, avira, avast and panda dosent notify or find all viruses. now i have a free trial of avg but im not sure anymore if i should pay for nod again of fsecure

Microsoft security essentials is a free antivirus and it beats all other free antivirus programs (I know, a Microsoft product that actually works! Who would have thought?).

have to agree with Rik,finally ,i use mse on all my computer and customes who allow me to put it on theres

yeah I also use the MSE (microsoft security essential)
but the avast internet security is also the one of best antivirus but it not free...

Ok dude,
I just watched your comment and you told that there none the error in the memory?
Then What the error is actually on windows.?
if you have formated and installed again then is that working fine?

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