Hello, I have a major problem with my Win Xp Professional.
Every time I enter the Internet, windows shuts my computer automatically within a minute. The message presented is as the following:

"This system is shutting down. Please save all work in progress and log off. Any ansaved changes will be lost. This shutdown was initiated by NT Authority/System.
Windows must now restart because the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) servise terminated unexpectedly."

If you are familiar with the problem please help me!

Thank you. Karie.

Hello, I have a major problem with my Win Xp Professional.
Every time I enter the Internet, windows shuts my computer automatically within a minute. The message presented is as the following:

"This system is shutting down. Please save all work in progress and log off. Any ansaved changes will be lost. This shutdown was initiated by NT Authority/System.
Windows must now restart because the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service terminated unexpectedly.

That's the MS Blaster worm in action. It used the useless open service RPC on XP to install itself and do its dirty deeds. You will have to take several steps to fix it.

1. Go to Symantec and download-and-run the latest version of FixBlast, a free stand-alone tool to remove this worm.

2. Go to the Gibson Research website. Download-and-run the program Shoot the Messenger. There are other tools there, also.

Note: both these tools will fit on one floppy, so you can download them at a friend's house or computer store.

3. Make sure that all your XP patches are up-to-date.

4. Come back here and do a search on "Blaster" for more details.

5. You will likely also have to delete your System Restore files, as those have probably also been infected.

Member Avatar for LEXluthor

It looks like your infected with virus called, blaster worm
or its other variant. You can eliminate it by going to windows site. and look for patch.You can remove this worm by going to Symantec or other virus software site. and look for blaster worm removal tools.Oh yeah..
if you using windows XP activate your firewall.

i have windows XP in my computer, the problem is, whenever im enter into Internet, after sometimes my computer shutdown automatically

i have windows XP in my computer, the problem is, whenever im enter into Internet, after sometimes my computer shutdown automatically

What messages are given? I'm pretty sure that if you could give us some error messages, we could definitely help you with your issue. Have you tried the tools provided earlier?

Yo malkit what you need to do before it shuts down is to go to..
start-run-and type CMD and hit enter
then on the black screen you have to type shutdown -a and then you are good to go...

Thanks, for all of your suggestion. Now my problem is solved.

Yo malkit what you need to do before it shuts down is to go to..
start-run-and type CMD and hit enter
then on the black screen you have to type shutdown -a and then you are good to go...

Hi, I have windows 2000 Server installed in a server which work in one of my customer site and Its connected with LAN and working as a internet server, but the problem what i am facing from last one month is when i am connected server to LAN my whole network get jammed within 15 minute. i am also run Microsoft Exchange Server in that server. Can you tell me the solution. Looking for a valuable response from your site. Thanks with regard.

Maybe it's bacause you have to much dust in your hard drive or maybe you got a virus like a "registry pixxy"to fix these problems

Use the system restore:
you can find it in your start menu and click "All Programs"
then click on "accessories" then "System tools" the you'll find it at the bottom.

Spyware docter:
Click on Spyware doctor and use it
in other ways
"Zone alarm extreme security"
Download it by going on google or search on youtube for the video and the link.

Maybe it's bacause you have to much dust in your hard drive or maybe you got a virus.

Use the system restore:
you can find it in your start menu and click "All Programs"
then click on "accessories" then "System tools" the you'll find it at the bottom.

This thread is from 2003/4. Thats pre-SP2. Which means its almost certainly the blaster worm.

Hi lee brain here what y need to do is go the local pc place right and say new pc please

The problem lies within your computer network chip it has either burnt out or overloaded go to your nearest pc outlet get replacement chip then good as new

commented: hmm 3 bits of advice, all different but still all wrong, and to years old thread. Read. -4

You need to system restore y com to an earlyer date start accessories tools system restore

Leeboy. Read the thread.

my system is shutdown automatically not continious it shutdown after 4 hours or after 1 hour
when i open any file some excel file or any other file i am not sure what type of file i have already change motherboard and SMPS, RAM but problem is still.

maybe because of the OS

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