Hey there.

I am from group of people. That are getting heavily irritated by unexpected smash of sound above 12kHz.
Is there way to limit it, up to this? I mean, I don't have problem if I am expecting it. But when I am
playing games, watching films or listen to new music. I come very often they use these higher frequentions,
which in place of bringing me fun, give me chills. I have Googled it, but everybody are only asking about highest possible
frequency on earth (1GHz^ apparentely).

^ - 1'000'000'000

I had a similar problem. I have lost some hearing in the higher frequencies and was looking for a way to adjust the sound over all applications. I found Equalizer EPO. You can download the 32 bit version here. There is a 64 bit version available as well but you may have to look around for it. You configure it using a text file. I have written a GUI front end in vb.net which I can post if you need it.

I don't know much about different soundcards/sound chips on mobos, but I do know that Realtek has a built-in equalizer which allows frequency band adjustments.

The nice thing about Equalizer EPO is you get to define the frequencies, the number of bands, and you can specify the filter types (high, low, band-pass, etc).

@Reverend-Jim I see no options in Equalizer EPO only I can find is "Options" and "Benchmark". "Options" has only speaker and microphone section. Where it tells that it's turned on. But it doesn't limit jack.

Maybe you could give me application of yours, if you don't mind.

(My head almost exploded at 16kHz.)

I've attached two files. One is the zip file that contains the source code and compiled application. The other is an example config file. Once you install Equalizer APO, go to the folder

C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config

and replace example.txt with the one I posted. I'm still working on my GUI so in a newer version you won't have to do this. Also, I hope to add more options for the filters. When you run the GUI you can adjust the sliders and the config file will be updated in near real time. If you right click on any filter you can enable/disable all filters so you can see what difference (if any) your settings make. You can close the GUI (with ALT-F4) without disabling the equalizer.

Used it. It didn't limit frequency. It disabled bass almost totally.

When you run the GUI you can adjust the sliders and the config file will be updated in near real time.

What the heck are you talking about, I have only this (no slides):

My GUI is entirely separate from that. What you are looking at is the setup for the equalizer. You have to run my GUI after it is all set up. It looks like this


Until I get around to it (or until you change it for yourself) the GUI will work only for the frequencies I have defined. I hope to make the frequencies, number of bands and filter types configurable.

Yeah, I found that. It didn't limit frequencies, I put your program to equalizerapo folder. Clicked on your program. Bass wasn't reduced and higher frequencies were still there.

It's hardly worth the effort. I will have to survive it. Thanks for replying.

You can always try editing the example.txt file directly and putting in your own frequencies. Leave the edit window open and every time you do a save you should be able to hear the difference (if any). Play with the frequencies and the gains.

This was so helpful! Thank you so much!
Thanks for including the source too.

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