Running Windows 7 and IE9. Today I suddenly can't log in to my Youtube account. I've done everything you can imagine - cleared cookies and cache, rebooted, reconfigured start-up, enabled compatibility view, etc. I've also made sure my Google account was connected to YT.

I keep getting an error page that says "Oops! There was an issue signing you in to Youtube." I've done all the troubleshooting they suggest, but nothing has fixed it.

I can log in with Google Chrome, but I hate using that browser. I'd never had any problems logging in with IE before today.

Thanks for any suggestions.

It is possible that someone has pwnd your youtube account. Have you contacted their support page? Have you tried creating a new account? Have you changed your gmail/google password?

I figured out what happened. Somehow the "Run as administrator" function had been turned off. Once I turned it back on, I was able to log in without a problem.

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