I have a program that I want to run, but it will only run in the adminstrator account, is there a way I can create a shortcut by entering the admin password into it somehow to run?
This is what I've tried and it didn't work:
I created a regular shortcut to the program, then I right-clicked, properties
then under the shortcut tab, i clicked advanced
then I check off "run with different credentials" click ok, and click ok again
and I hoped it was going to ask me to save the username/password but it never did, it pops up asking me to enter it everytime i click the shortcut
I even created a shortcut to the command runas usign the /savecred options, but that requires you to enter the password after every restart (or if they logout)
I understand there might be security issues, I really don't care about that, it's just a personal computer, not a work computer.
Please help!