What would be the equivalent of msconfig in windows 2k? Somebody told me once, but I can't remember.

Could you be thinking of sysedit?

I thought that you can just copy the file over from an XP machine and it works fine. I think that is what I did a while back? I do not remember if any other file has to be copied over.

If you know anyone that has win 98 or XP have them do a search for msconfig and copy the file to a floppy and put on your desktop or in the c: / winnt / system32 folder.

then from the run box, type: msconfig............ and away you go.

What would be the equivalent of msconfig in windows 2k? Somebody told me once, but I can't remember.

There is no direct "official" MSconfig substitute in Win 2k. You can either copy it over from Win 98 (I'm told it works OK) or download something like CodeStuff Starter, which handles the functions that you are looking for.

There is no direct "official" MSconfig substitute in Win 2k. You can either copy it over from Win 98 (I'm told it works OK) or download something like CodeStuff Starter, which handles the functions that you are looking for.

so right

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