Hi, just got my Desktop back from the repairers due to a fault on hard drive. Everything seems ok now, but the only thing is in EXPLORER and INTERNET EXPLORER I'm missing the FILE, EDIT, VIEW, etc. toolbar. The Icons are there below but where the wording is supposed to be is just a small WINDOWS logo??

Pressing "ALT and T" does nothing, neither does a right mouse click anywhere on the toolbar. I'm worried something is missing from WINDOWS, please help I don't want to send my machine back again.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Try reinstalling internet explorer, or try downloading another browser such as firefox.

Is your browser in full screen mode? Have you tried hitting F11?

Hitting F11 does nothing.
Even when I open MY DOCS folder, thus using Explorer there is no tool bar wording (File Edit View etc......)
By the way the computer is not connected to the internet.

F11 is for IE to go full screen and back. Try right clicking to the right of help, on my computer XP it brings up toolbar options. btw what os are you running?


im pretty new at this aalling it a toojbar but its the space where the start button is mine is just frozzen to the screen now and i can not move it PLEASE HELP

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