since these is no "winipcfg" in the windows XP ,how can i see my ip address ?

and there is not a "address" bar in the IE ,what should i do?

I'm glad you were able to get it working finally. However, I'm sorry you had to resort to uninstalling and reinstalling Internet Explorer ... it's a large component of Windows and reinstalling it can sometimes screw a lot of underlying OS stuff up IMHO.

For a replacement to 'winipcfg' you have two choices.
- Open up the command prompt, and type ipconfig /all
- Control Panel -> Network Connections - > (Double click on your LAN)

If there is no address bar in IE, just right click on the menu bars, and click address. It should appear.

I have done that ,but it doesn't work ,i still can't see the address bar.
My opetation is windows XP with SP1 ,IE 6 with SP1

I think I know what might have happened. Sometimes you have the address bar set to display, but since the entire toolbar is shrunk, it doesn't fit. If you use the mouse to "grab" the bottom of the toolbar, it should turn to a double headed arrow. Drag the toolbar down to expand it so the addressbar can be viewable.

One more thing ... if you can't drag the toolbar, go to View...Toolbars menu and then make sure "Lock The Toolbar" is unchecked.

I have done all what you said, but it just doesn't work

After I uninstalled IE and reinstalled it , all problems have been solved.

Thank you for your help

could you tell me what does "IMHO" stand for ?

and what does "my oh my " mean ?

"My oh my" is an expression people say when they're surprised.

"My oh my" is an expression people say when they're surprised.

I thought that was only in old English films. In real life people use WTF ...

Ooh I like. I was actually thinking of doing something like this a long time ago. I used to write a lot of poems in high school so this is definitely something I could've used back then.

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