Hi I am Marco & am new here. Asyou can tell from the posting caption, I am having a problem with an HP PC.

1) I am trying to get my son's PC up and running again.

2) I reset the BIOS to default.

3) I connected the cd rom no problem, it was recognized by the PC immediately.

4) I have a new HD, that I connected to the motherboard. Problem is, the mother board's not recognizing HD as an autodetect. I tried manually place the HD parameters into the BIOS & save it.

5) I saved it and ran XP setup via the cd. But when the setup is ready to access my HD - the XP program cannot locate the HD

6) I then rebooted and opened up setup & found that the BIOS PAGE has no HD listed. I just the exited setup and I got the err message - NO operating system found"

I have checked the connections, the battery, tested the HD on another PC- so evertything is OK in those areas.

7) I think the board is ok, otherwise- the CD rom wouldn't read.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE .... any ideas, I have tried everything I know...

How do I get the mother board to recogize my HD? - so I can get this PC up & running before school's starts.



This is a little out of my area, but have you checked the jumper settings on the drive? Are they set for the drive to be read as the Master drive? Is your cable plugged into the primary slot on the motherboard?

(I've done this one before...) Is the power cable plugged into the hard drive?

This is a little out of my area, but have you checked the jumper settings on the drive? Are they set for the drive to be read as the Master drive? Is your cable plugged into the primary slot on the motherboard?

(I've done this one before...) Is the power cable plugged into the hard drive?

Thanks fior the quik reply! [my replies below]

Are they set for the drive to be read as the Master drive? [not sure]

Is your cable plugged into the primary slot on the motherboard?

Is the power cable plugged into the hard drive? [YES ]

On the back of the drive, there are some pins with one or more jumpers that go over the pins. Somewhere on the drive it should tell you where these jumpers need to be for the drive to be set as the master drive.

The motherboard itself should label the slots for the hard drive as primary and master. In some cases, the primery slot is colored.

Make sure you don't have your CD-Rom connected to the primary slot.

Also, if one cable is being used to connect both the hard drive and the CD-Rom to the motherboard, try switching the way they are connected.
I forget which order on the cable they are supposed to be connected in, but order does matter.

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