Hello peoples,

Today I downloaded iTunes 7 from the Apple Australia website. I had installed previous versions (I don't know what versions) and they all worked without a hitch. When I try to install version 7 it comes back with an error during the installation process saying:

The older version of QuickTime cannot be removed.
Plese contact your technical support group.


The installation of QuickTime did not complete successfully.
iTunes requires QuickTime.

The version of QuickTime that I have is QuickTime 7.0.4. I downloaded the standalone version of Quicktime 7.1 but during that installation procedure it comes up with something like 'Cannot find QuickTime.msi'. I guess this is the uninstaller for version 7.0.4? When I try to uninstall QuickTime 7.0.4 (7.1 didn't make it onto my computer) it partially loads the uninstallation then the floppy drive (I think) makes a click and the uninstallation quits. I have tried to manually uninstall QT 7.0.4 by searching for 'quicktime' and deleteing everything and deleting all the QuickTime related registry keys. I've still got the smae problem. I think that the QuickTime uninstaller is still buried deep into my computer.

I have had a problem related to this before, so thanks in advance!

Alright, I've found and downloded the QuickTime 7.0.4 installation file from the Apple website. When I run it it asks me if I want to uninstall QuickTime and I select OK. Then an error message comes up:

Error: -1612 The installation source for this product is not avaliable. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.

And after I restore to a System Restore point I created before I 'deleted' QuickTime (so now I'm at a state where QuickTime is supposed to work fine but no uninstall) when I run QuickTime I get:

QuickTime failed to initalize. Error # 63443.
Please make sure that QuickTime is properly installed on this computer.

Some help would be much appriciated as I now can't play videos that I have recorded with my digital camera.

Have you tried reinstalling the old version?

If you can't do that...the only other way I know of its to dig it out of the registry. The problem with that is that if you do something wrong...you system could crash completely.

Thanks for your first reply. I downloaded QT 7.0.3 form Apple's site and it installed fine. Then I installed iTunes 7 and it said that QT couldn't be installed and to contact my tech supprot group. But then it kept going with the rest of the installation. When I ran ran iTunes i got:

QuickTime 7.0d0 is installed. iTunes needs Quicktime 7.1.3 or better.
Please reinstall iTunes.

So then I tried to install QT 7.1 and I was asked if I want to repair or remove QT. I selected remove. It 'removed' QT and I installed QT 7.1. I got that same error asking for the location of QuickTime.msi. BTW yesterday I followed a tutorial on how to remove QT here. So when I try to install QT 7.0.3 it says that a better version is installed and that the installation cannot continue. When I try to remove QT from CCleaner it asks me for the installation source which was originally put in A TEMP FOLDER! Why don't they put it into the recycle bin then??

Okay, now it's starting to make sense! I just installed iTunes 7. It installed perfectly (I mean that there was no error messages). When I run iTunes I get this:

QuickTime version 7.0d0, iTunes requires QuickTime version 7.1.3 or later.
Please reinstall iTunes.

So I open the iTunesSetup.exe file and select repair. It 'repairs' itself but i still get exactly the same error message. I think QuickTime is installed but not seen by iTunes or my computer. QuickTimePlayer.exe's version is so I have the right version, but when I open it gives me:

Runtime error!

Program: C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QuickTimePlayer.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.

Anyway, QuickTime dosen't appear in the Start menu or Add/Remove Programs but it does appear in CCleaner's list of programs. When I try to install QT 7.1 it asks me for the installation source because the CD or removal disk it needs is not avaliable. When I try to install QT 7.0.4 it asks me if I want to remove 'QuickTime for Windows' and I select OK. Then it comes up with a small dialog box with no text but with a question mark. I select OK. Then when it trys to uninstall QT:

Error: -1612 The installation source for this product is not avaliable. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.

And when I try to install QT 7.0.3:

A newer version of QuickTime is alredy installed. This installation cannot proceed with the newer version of QuickTime installed.

So theres the story so far.

This is getting very weird. I just reliased that QuickTime (qttask.exe) is in the system tray. When I right-click it the context menu is normal but only QuickTime Prefrences work. And QuickTime is also in the control panel. When I double-click this it works fine. I clicked on About QuickTime and it says that I've got version 7.0d0. What the hell??:confused: Anyway thanks for the help so far.

Yippie!!! It works!! Anyway, I was looking at Apple's support section of their site (here)and found this useful little app calles Windows Installer CleanUp Utility (get it here). I installed it and ran it and it presented me with a list of programs with setup info left on my computer. I selected QuickTime 7.0.4 and it removed all the installation info related to it. I installed QT 7.1.3, and guess what?? It works!!:cheesy:

Good find Jado!

I've been watching this thread, not understanding the problem till now. :)

I am having the same problem. Any solution Yet?

Hello peoples,

Today I downloaded iTunes 7 from the Apple Australia website. I had installed previous versions (I don't know what versions) and they all worked without a hitch. When I try to install version 7 it comes back with an error during the installation process saying:

The older version of QuickTime cannot be removed.
Plese contact your technical support group.


The installation of QuickTime did not complete successfully.
iTunes requires QuickTime.

The version of QuickTime that I have is QuickTime 7.0.4. I downloaded the standalone version of Quicktime 7.1 but during that installation procedure it comes up with something like 'Cannot find QuickTime.msi'. I guess this is the uninstaller for version 7.0.4? When I try to uninstall QuickTime 7.0.4 (7.1 didn't make it onto my computer) it partially loads the uninstallation then the floppy drive (I think) makes a click and the uninstallation quits. I have tried to manually uninstall QT 7.0.4 by searching for 'quicktime' and deleteing everything and deleting all the QuickTime related registry keys. I've still got the smae problem. I think that the QuickTime uninstaller is still buried deep into my computer.

I have had a problem related to this before, so thanks in advance!

I am having the same problem. Any solution Yet?

Here's what I did:

1. Used "Windows Install Cleanup" to remove all iTunes and Quicktime.
2. Found and deleted

- All files under Program Files/Quicktime
- All files containing the word "quicktime" in WINDOWS (or whatever you system director name is)

3. Deleted all registry keys using regedit under HKLM/Apple/Quicktime

4. Installed standalone Quicktime
5. Installe itunes

All this for itunes 7.0.1

Yippie!!! It works!! Anyway, I was looking at Apple's support section of their site (here)and found this useful little app calles Windows Installer CleanUp Utility (get it here). I installed it and ran it and it presented me with a list of programs with setup info left on my computer. I selected QuickTime 7.0.4 and it removed all the installation info related to it. I installed QT 7.1.3, and guess what?? It works!!:cheesy:

Well Jado, you're a treasure. Your fix worked in minutes after hours, no days, of frustration.:p vandertracker

wow, i've been reading all this and yet, this is after i have discovered the answer to my problem and signed up thinking i'd tell everyone i could, saving them the suffering pain i went through for a week or two lol. ok, heres what i did, might be a little easier for some out there: i visited this forum: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=62418 in my mad search for an answer left n right going insane. Then, downloaded this: http://uniextract.c1pher.com/uniextract15.exe believing it was the answer to my problem, seeing as i needed the msi, i tried the new msi back then hoping that would of worked but, i had my doubts and i was right, i needed the msi of the same version quicktime 7.0.4. So i went to oldversion.com got quicktimes installer 7.0.4 (dunno where i misplaced the one i had). Then I used the extractor i installed, then I got an error from the extractor thinking oh no! whyyyyyyyyy, it failed, now what?! Though today i relized when checking out all the files, the installer looked different, it looked like the new installers aka the kind that can be read and opened as an msi. it was in the folder i extracted it to with that software. i know this may sound complex, hope to simply it in the end. ok so after you've done the same thing i did: you copy the installer after its been extracted from the software and paste it into: C:\WINDOWS\ . Next, go to your control panel>add or remove programs (like usual) >scroll down to your quicktime program in there click to remove, after i put it the revised version of quicktime in there it didn't prompt anything, but if it does, best guess would be to direct it to C:\WINDOWS and find the quicktime file which should also be recognized as the msi.

(note this sort of thing might only work if you didn't play around with tryin to delete files and uninstall it manually)

This would probably be much easier if I just uploaded the revised version somewhere but i dunno if thats allowed so heres the steps:
1. Install this: http://uniextract.c1pher.com/uniextract15.exe
2. http://oldversion.com Make sure you get the 7.0.4
3.put it in a empty folder(folder a) to keep clutter down, and create 1 more folder(folder b) so you can extract the quicktime installer in there.
4.right click on that quicktime installer and extract.(not sure if step 4 is entirely necessary, but thats what i did)
5.open the installed universal extractor
6.extract quicktimeinstaller(the one with the under writting saying quicktime 7.0.4) to your newly created folder b.
7.once thats done, go to folder b and copy the revised version of the installer ctrl+C. Then go to C:\WINDOWS (make sure its all caps to be sure its the right folder)
8.paste it into C:\WINDOWS
9.Go to your start menu>Control Panel>Add or Remove Programs tool> scroll down to Quicktime, click uninstall - If asked for the msi: open and go to C:\WINDOWS\ which should have the msi available now.
I just fully uninstalled quicktime today about an hour ago, worked perfectly, I was nervous hoping i'd get no further errors, though it worked. :eek: :lol:

(reminder: this sort of thing may only work if you didn't play around with tryin to delete files and uninstall it manually)

heres a tip:

go on M$es site. Theres a tool somewhere called windows installer cleanup or something like that (its supposed to be for office but it works for anything)


edit: woops just noticed this has already been said :(

I'm so glad i found this posti've been having the same problem for weeks exact same thing i even went into the registry and deleted over a thousand quicktime entries. I just tried to uninstall it to install the latest version and i got the same errors. Thank you soooo much you have my undying gratitude i have some pretty expensive video tutorials that can only be played in quicktime and i was so frustrated that i couldn't play them. Thanks again


Oh yeh I used the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility and it did what i was trying to do for 3 weeks in a couple of seconds : ) The solution is on page 1 post 8

I have the same problem but mine doesnt seem so easy to die. I ran all those programs and many other registry/uninstall cleaners I could find but no matter what i do, it still fumbles installing and says cannot uninstall old quicktime. I feel so helpless and dont want to reboot and lose all my gigs of stuff that i cant just back up on dvds for lack of dvd burner. :( please someone help me this is the most extreme case of quicktime cancer yet and I fear I will soon have to put my computer down just to run my freeking ipewd

This solution worked perfectly, thank you very much.

Thanks for your first reply. I downloaded QT 7.0.3 form Apple's site and it installed fine. Then I installed iTunes 7 and it said that QT couldn't be installed and to contact my tech supprot group. But then it kept going with the rest of the installation. When I ran ran iTunes i got:

QuickTime 7.0d0 is installed. iTunes needs Quicktime 7.1.3 or better.
Please reinstall iTunes.

So then I tried to install QT 7.1 and I was asked if I want to repair or remove QT. I selected remove. It 'removed' QT and I installed QT 7.1. I got that same error asking for the location of QuickTime.msi. BTW yesterday I followed a tutorial on how to remove QT here. So when I try to install QT 7.0.3 it says that a better version is installed and that the installation cannot continue. When I try to remove QT from CCleaner it asks me for the installation source which was originally put in A TEMP FOLDER! Why don't they put it into the recycle bin then??

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