Hello there! Sorry to trouble you, but I have a problem with a folder in my PC. The OS is Windows XP and everything was alright (well... for a windows, it was relatively alright) when one day I tried to open a folder on my c: drive. Instead of opening the folder, I received a message "Drive is not formatted, do you want to format it now?" Of course, I clicked "No". Since then, if I try to access this folder, this message appears. I thought that I could open the folder through the command prompt but it said that there was a data error with it - Cyclic Redundncy Check.

Can you give me advice how to open this folder or recover the data from it, because some important for me files are stored there. :sad:

some reading on the error message for you ,the fix may be in there somewhere or a google search of the error message might bring up an answer , that error message is generally associated with cd'd and dvd ' did you copy that folder from a cd or dvd .

Well, I searched in google (of course), but nothing useful for me came out. As for the link you gave me, I already read it, but it speaks mainly how to correct the problem for CDs and DVDs and those programs ued don't work for hard disk problems. ;(

Well, I searched in google (of course), but nothing useful for me came out. As for the link you gave me, I already read it, but it speaks mainly how to correct the problem for CDs and DVDs and those programs ued don't work for hard disk problems. ;(

ok try a checkdsk ,go to mycomputer /right click on the hdd ,go to properties /tools and run the chkdsk to fix all errors ,cant hurt ,

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I already did this, but checkdisk told me that it couldn't finish the checking. Advanced checkdisk (with scaning for bad sectors) doesn't work either.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I already did this, but checkdisk told me that it couldn't finish the checking. Advanced checkdisk (with scaning for bad sectors) doesn't work either.

leeds me to believe you have a bad or getting bad harddrive ,i suggest you backup any data that you need just in case and i would say the data in that folder will be lost to you ,unless you get hold of a good data recovery program.and even then you may be out of luck.

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