hi i got attacked by a virus/malware i dont know what it was.it created a file svhost.exe in my windows system folder.it disabled my task manager. i got some help from microsoft website and i went into msconfig and changed some setings and restarted the pc as told. when i went into the start menu i cant see run there. please help me.i tried going to the properties but it does not show the run command option there. please help. i am new to this website.:sad:

is there no one who can help me.

thanks let me try

Here is another document that I found:
To remove the Run command from the Start Menu,

Fire up the registry editor.
Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Double-click NoRun on the right pane and change it to from 0 to 1.
To restore the Run command, reverse the steps by changing 1 to 0.

The same will apply as above to run the registry editor.

there is no explorer in the first solution u provided and in the second there is no Norun.

there is no explorer in the first solution u provided and in the second there is no Norun.

Add Norun as a DWORD with 1 as the value.

the run is back.thank you so much.

....and then there is the straightforward way. Go Start, rclick in the header or tail, click Properties >start menu > customise > advanced, and check run command.
It's actually a neat lil spot if u use the Start menu much.....

....and then there is the straightforward way. Go Start, rclick in the header or tail, click Properties >start menu > customise > advanced, and check run command.
It's actually a neat lil spot if u use the Start menu much.....

wat do u think i wudnt have tried that.read the first post properly.

ah.. you can never tell... but apologies... i somehow missed the import of your antepenultimate sentence.... i can do that when i scan a post too quickly.. :(

use window button plus r "win+r"...it brings it right up!

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