Hello everyone, I'm having a very frustrating problem I was hoping someone could help me with.
First off, these are the system specs.
Windows 2k (service pack 3)
2.6c Mhz Pentium 4 (hyperthreading disabled)
512MB of Corsair DDR
ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe Motherboard
120GB Maxtor Serial ATA HD
A few days ago my computer was running a little slow so i decided to do a restart. On restarting and just as you see the hint of blue desktop before anything gets the chance to load, the computer closes down suddenly like I've turned the power off and restarts itself, gets to the same point and blam, same thing...tried starting in safe mode with no luck.
I happened to have a fresh 40GB Western Digital drive handy (parallel) so decided to reformat and install windows on that to see if I could get the system to boot. It does, BUT... with my cpu constantly running between 94 and 100% slowing everything to a crawl. This happened directly after a fresh install on a fresh drive. There is no possible way i could have picked up a virus or malware from the internet as I hadn't been online before noticing the problem. Running a virus scanner (McAfee), Spybot, hijackthis and cwshredder show nothing :(
I've had issues in the past with the SVCHOST thingy, where I've needed to install 2 hotfixes from microsoft before getting online otherwise I get similar symptoms to these, CPU at 100% etc...but normally a fresh reinstall would fix that, not in this case. It's happening from word go.
Is it possible my hardware has become damaged somehow? and why the harddrive failure with the Maxtor but the Western Digital will boot to windows only to max out my CPU??? Would a boot virus cause this kind of mischief?
I'm really at a total loss and would appreciate ANY help on the matter.
Thanks to everyone who bothers to read this!
Take Care,