When i started my computer this morning i got this error message on a blue screen,

The Device Driver got stuck in an infinate loop. This usually idicates promblem with the device itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. Please check with your hardware device vendor for any driver updates.

Technical info:

***STOP: 0x000000EA(0x8955FDA8,0x8951E6f0,0xF78C6CBC,0x00000001)

Beggining Dump of Phisical memory.
Phisical memory dump complete.
contact your system administrater of technical support group for further assistance.

Does anyone have some info on how to solve this problem? I have tryed to restore system and it did not work. I would be happy with feedback.



on start keep pressing F8 until you get Safe Mode do not hold down the F8 key TAP IT. If it gives you the option to enable VGA try that. If not use safe mode to boot. Uninstall the Nvidia drivers using control panel... add or rmove programs...remove nvidia drivers and restart. The reboot should detect the card and ask for the drivers CD reinstall drivers.

let us know

South Africa

When i uninstall do i need a disk to reinstall it?

Will reinstalling drivers erase programs on my computer?


Well, you can download the nvidia drivers from www.nvidia.com. Make sure you follow the step by step instructions on the website to download and install the drivers.

As for your second question, uninstalling the driver will not erase programs on the computer

I uninstalled NVIDIA and restarted my computer.

When it restarted Windows started normally.

I put the cd in the drive and installed NVIDIA back onto my computer and as it restarted it came back with the same error message...

The Device Driver got stuck in an infinate loop. This usually idicates promblem with the device itself or with the device driver programming the hardware incorrectly. Please check with your hardware device vendor for any driver updates.
Technical info:
***STOP: 0x000000EA (0x8955FDA8,0x8951E6f0,0xF78C6CBC,0x00000001)
Beggining Dump of Phisical memory.
Phisical memory dump complete.
contact your system administrater of technical support group for further assistance.



Windows starts normally and you only pic up a problem when you install the Nvidia drivers. Hmmmmm

I think the Nvidia drivers you have may be incorrect

At this point i would remove the graphics card .... study the card carefully find any numbers on the card and search www.nvidia.com for the drivers or driver updates for you card as mentioned by goldeagle2005 above.

last resort you may have to replace your graphics card.

South Africa

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