
I have a new Dell Dimension 3100 PC running windows XP Home.

When I play a DVD the picture is fine but there is no sound. There are two media players (sonic and windows media player) and they both have the same symptoms. The volume slider is set to maximum in both players but no sound is heard.

I can play a music CD and that works fine (it's a cd / dvd drive) so I know the sound volume / levels are set okay.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on what to check to see if there is a problem with the DVD element of the drive?




Uninstall the sound in the Windows Device Manager and then restart Windows and the sound will be detected and reinstaled (refreshed). This seems to help a lot of different problems and may fix yours.

South Africa

Yep, it's is working and very interesting suggestions. I downloaded the trial version of Power DVD and that seems to have solved the problem. I guess it has the appropriate codecs provided with the software.

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