Right-clicking on the Start button causes my XP Home Edition system to freeze. The only way I can correct it is to reboot. However, it recurs when I try to right-click again. Otherwise, the computer works normally.
Would anyone have a solution to this problem?


Defective USB mouse?

Thanks, but no. Mine is a regular, old fashioned mouse with a small, round, 6 pins connector.

It sounds like maybe a windows issue? If it is, I have had some success with the followinng three tricks:

1. I know this seems obvious, but uninstall and then reinstall the mouse. Hey, sometimes the simple stuff works. Don't know what you have done yet though.

2. If your computer does not have sp2 installed, install sp2 on the computer.

3. If your computer does have sp2 insalled, try one of the following things.
Run system file check. Insert your windows cd in the cd-rom drive and run the following command from the run box: sfc /scannow
If the sfc doesn't fix it, then try to reinstall sp2. This has fixed some weird problems in the past for my school. Including a similar one to the one you are describing. To reinstall sp2, download the sp2 installer for IT professionals from Microsoft.

If I think of anything else, I will post it here.

Thank you bassgeek. I'll try your suggestions and let you know. I am somewhat weary of removing sp2, though, because I am not sure of the effect it'll have on updates that occurred later...

Thank you bassgeek. I'll try your suggestions and let you know. I am somewhat weary of removing sp2, though, because I am not sure of the effect it'll have on updates that occurred later...

You don't have to remove sp2, just reinstall sp2 over the current install. You won't have to worry about reinstalling the security updates either. I have used this method many times on our schools laptop, and they are just as resistant and patched after the reinstall as they were before.

commented: Good and helpful advice! +1


You could try and use System restore..... Do you remember a point when your system worked without this problem.

click Start
click All programs
move mouse over Accessories
move mouse over System Tools
click System Restore

Follow the on screen prompts and select a time you believe your system was good. Spend some time here to understand how System Restore works its a useful tool to have.

South Africa

Hi Darren and thanks. However, I already tried restore (twice) and it didn't help. May be the problem has started prior to my latest point and I never noticed it.

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