'Stein 150 Lapsed Skeptic Team Colleague

Please go to:

and type this in:

Then click on the FILE menu and select export
Save the file as backup. Save the file somewhere you will remember and not delete.
IMPORTANT: make sure to set the export range to ALL

Then, go to start-->run

and type this in:

Paste this into the box:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\

Then click on the FILE menu and select save as
Save the file as regfix.reg. Save the file to the desktop.
IMPORTANT: make sure to save the file as "all types" and NOT as a text file

Now double click on fixreg.reg and insert it into the registry.

Then, go here, and reinstall Internet Explorer:
Internet Explorer Update

The Dude commented: Good info my friend....... I hope ppl benefit from this :) +1
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