hi , i recently had the missfortune of receving a virus , which ment i had to clear my laptop, the only problem is that a few of the drivers that i need to restore are not included on my windows xp operating disk(ie my modem driver and multimedia driver) , so ive found out the name of my motherboard and modem ,so if anyone has an idea of how i can recover my drivers i would be very happy to hear it

the laptop is an i-friend laptop with a nc202i4 motherboard and the modem is an m800

thanks for anyhelp you can give me

ive tried that site before but it doesnt have an m800 , it seems almost impossible to find, i really need help finding this modem the multimedia drivers arent inportant compared 2 the modem

There is a driver listed there for "800/M800/MC810/MI811".

It is available in versions for Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows Me and Windows XP

(Those 'slashes' mean that the same driver is suited to all modems listed there!)

AH i see thanks man ive been a hugh help

I have the same problem, where can I find that modem driver!!! pls help.

I have the same problem, where can I find that modem driver!!! pls help.

As you can see, if you follow that above link it has "800/M800/MC810/MI811". listed. Thus if your modem is any of those types. then you're sorted.


hi. I followed that link, but I can't see 800/M800/MC810/MI811. where can u see that. I only see this: 56k-modem:CE210, MU400, MI201, MI220, MI820(whql)CTI, MI820(whql)CTI, MA820/MM320. pls help!!!! THX WHQL) CTI CE210

hi. I followed that link, but I can't see 800/M800/MC810/MI811. where can u see that. I only see this: 56k-modem:CE210, MU400, MI201, MI220, MI820(whql)CTI, MI820(whql)CTI, MA820/MM320. pls help!!!! THX

I can't find it, can someone pls pls send it(m800) driver to my email adr. alicio_d@yahoo.dk. THX

You can get the drivers and upgrade sepcs for i-friend laptop/notebook model numbers i-friend NC122i4 and i-friend NC202i4 here

Thanks very much jackie, I had wait long time for this driver, I hope now I can use my laptop again. Thx again huge help!!!

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