I found a solution to my slow browsing problem.

This solution is only for you if your browser has slowed and you are running Norton Internet Security, my version is 2002, not sure if this file will work with other versions. Download this file and put the "symids.sys" file in your windows/system32/drivers folder. It should not copy over any files, if it does then cancel the action. Then reboot your computer. If you can surf as normal then this is your fix. If not, then I would consider deleting "symids.sys" file and trying something else. Remember, you have to reboot your system.

Can you give us a bit of proof as to where you found this file? Just so that we don't think that you are trying to infect us with a virus. I recommend that DaniWeb members never download and install any file of this nature that they aren't 100% positive is from a reputable source.

Sorry, that was my first post.

I found it at dslreports.com, it's buried in that forum and took me awhile to find it.

Something sounds really fishy haha just kidding I agree no source seems shady to me :)

Um... yeah, what exactly is this file supposed to do?

Didn't make any sense to me but, he is right I did find it on dslreports on a fourm that someone else posted. The file symids.sys is everywhere people talking about it. So no I doubt it is a virus but, you could of renamed it now saying you did but, man this file smells like fish. Something smells really fishyyy

Didn't make any sense to me but, he is right I did find it on dslreports on a fourm that someone else posted. The file symids.sys is everywhere people talking about it. So no I doubt it is a virus but, you could of renamed it now saying you did but, man this file smells like fish. Something smells really fishyyy

Just trying to help people out, won't be doing that again. I would never give anyone a virus, and the "he" that you keep talking about is a she, since when is a guy named Janna?


Has anyone here actually downloaded and scanned that zip file? You HAVE got Virus scanners, haven't you?

Janna, don't be put off by this. we're happy to have new members onboard who are eager to help out others. But at the same time, don't be surprised if people get a tad suspicious when someone new shows up and links directly to a file, without indicating the source. That's not good practice, and it would be better to link to the discussion or the download page instead.

Those interested in knowing more about symids.sys (and the Norton IS slowdown in general) could have a look at this discussion for starters:


and also this page from Symantec:


(By the way, no, I have neither downloaded nor checked it myself. I neither have Norton IS, nor an Internet slowdown. And I wasn't one of those doing the complaining! ;) )


Has anyone here actually downloaded and scanned that zip file? You HAVE got Virus scanners, haven't you?

Janna, don't be put off by this. we're happy to have new members onboard who are eager to help out others. But at the same time, don't be surprised if people get a tad suspicious when someone new shows up and links directly to a file, without indicating the source. That's not good practice, and it would be better to link to the discussion or the download page instead.

Those interested in knowing more about symids.sys (and the Norton IS slowdown in general) could have a look at this discussion for starters:


and also this page from Symantec:


(By the way, no, I have neither downloaded nor checked it myself. I neither have Norton IS, nor an Internet slowdown. And I wasn't one of those doing the complaining! ;) )

Thanks Catweazle

I was starting to think I was the only one with a virus checker on here. I thought I would just upload the file here and save people the time of having to "click here and then there", but I learned my lesson.

Thanks Catweazle

I was starting to think I was the only one with a virus checker on here. I thought I would just upload the file here and save people the time of having to "click here and then there", but I learned my lesson.

I don't think anyone was accusing you of anything, just so you know! ;)

It's just "good practice", same with emails, to not open items you don't explicitly know what they are, or what they do. A little paranoia never hurt anyone... :)

I was just having some fun come on now! Just playing

it sort of works

Hi Janna, Big Thank you... I just trusted , tried and it worked....!!
I was suffering with slow internet so I downloaded file and stored in Drivers directory as advised. I have Avira antivirus but even then it worked... Internet surfing gained great speed now...Once again Thanks to Janna and advice her to keep helping....

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