
Windows 98 SE.

In the last few days cut and paste has stopped working. No software has been installed recently. The PC doesn't have Internet access.

I'm thinking maybe a virus or registry corruption. Are there any other possibilities?

I have to travel to access this PC so want to be armed with lots of things to try the next time I visit.

Thanks in advance.


Since the PC does not have internet, it is unlikely (but not impossible) there is a virus. Have you tried both, using the keyboard to cut and paste, i.e. Control+X to cut and Control+V to paste as well as the icons in the tool bar ? Suggest, first, click start, run and type in regedit. Click on file at top and export the registry to the desktop.
Click on Start, Run and type in scanreg /fix. Note the space between the 'g' and the '/'. Restart the computer after this completes.
Also, if you have access to a computer with internet access, go to
This site will instruct how to Manually Restore the Windows 98 Registry to a previous setting. Good Luck

Thanks FES.

We were seeing other problems with this PC so I've done a complete reinstall.

Now I just need to get everything back the way it was before - the user is blind so needs everything labelled and positioned as she expects.



I would have suggested a simple SYSTEM RESTORE (May have corrected the issue)

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