I have Windows XP SP2 and I can't open Outlook Express. I keep getting an error message - (0x800C012E,5) Outlook could not start because MSOE.DLL could not initialize. Can someone please tell me what I need to do for Outlook to open?

It means that your outlook express files are corrupted.

Try the following (back up first - you MAY need your widows XP cd by the way)

go start -> run

sfc /scannow

This process is silent. Reboot afterward. It will check if your system files match those on the CD.

If the above step does not work your only other option may be to reinstall windows.

No/ this did not work. Please tell me there is something else I could do besides reinstall windows.

Go into control panel -> add remove programs

on the left choose system components

uncheck the checkbox for outlook express and click ok. It will then uninstall outlook express. Reboot, then reinstall it using the same method. It may ask you for your windows CD. You WILL lose any mail etc... saved in outlook.

tiffini, this procedure will light up OE for you:
Part 1: msoe50.inf

-Open an Explorer window, search for msoe50.inf -the default location for this file is in the C:\Windows\Inf folder.
-Right click the Msoe50.inf file, and then click Install.
-Insert your Windows XP SP2 CD-ROM when prompted, locate the I386 folder on the CD-ROM, click Open, and then click OK.
The Outlook Express files are installed.

Part 2. wab50.inf

-search for wab50.inf -the default location for this file is in the C:\Windows\Inf folder.
-Right-click the Wab50.inf file, and then click Install.
-In the I386 folder on the CD-ROM, click Open, and then click OK.
The Outlook Express address book is installed.

Outlook Express is now reinstalled. Start Outlook Express to test its

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