I am running XP Pro on both my Desktop and Laptop computers. Both have issues when using hibernation at times. The desktop will sometimes refuse to go into hibernation and show as error of not enough resources, I have 2.5GB RAM on that machine and 45 GB free on the HD.

The issue of coming out of hibernation successfully plagues both computers. It doesn't do it all the time but often enough to be annoying. On the laptop the wireless icon won't show up and doesn't connect, when I go into the control panel the flashlight icon comes up and searches for the files but doesn't find them. I have copied the WAN utility to a desktop folder so I can access it when I need to and double clicking on it does nothing, it won't load. On the desktop it tries to load the last session fails and then just reboots.

Is there anything I can look for to solve the problems or is hibernation just picky. I love the function but it is annoying to have to reboot when it should just come up where I left off. Thanks for any suggestions and help.


How much space have you got in your primary partition (windows drive)?It should be more than 2.5 GB all the time to use hibernation feature.

As I stated in my post I have more thatn 45GB, on bot the desktop and the laptop

Hmm .. Windows XP has a problem with handling hibernation with 1 GB or more of RAM. You can see this Microsoft article for the resolution information.


That microsoft link might be useful to my situation as well.

I've got some Dell Optiplex GX520s with 1gb of RAM that will go into hibernation but not come back out, I'm going to try applying the fix and see if that helps at all. If not, I guess I can keep searching!

Thanks, best of luck to all.

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