Ok, first of all, the keyboard in my system is working fine for a few months then it went astrayed.

When I boot up, I was able to log onto windows using the keyboard, but once I'm in windows, the keyboard won't work at all. When I press a key, the computer make a "peep" sound. Tried a new known working keyboard but it still making that sound and not working.

I'm using windows xp. So, if anyone can help, I would really appreciated. Thank you in advance!

If it is a USB type keyboard look in the BIOS to see if it is still enabled. If it came with drivers try reinstalling them.

keyboard was not a usb and no, it wasn't the original keyboard. It worked in the "log on" screen. You know, when you enter the password to get into windows. But once i'm in windows, keyboard won't work. It make "peep" sound when a key is press. Damn annoying!!. If anyone have any other suggestions, please dont be shy.

Did you manage to solve this problem?
I have the same problem on my computer and would like to know how to fix it:o)

HI, so you could enter your password in the login box but afterwards it won't work at all? How about the mouse, will that work? If it does, right click on My Computer->Properties->Hardware->Device Manager and look for the keyboard entry. Right click on it and choose Remove. If any drivers are needed for your keyboard get them now (either with a CD if it came with one or download them online). If no drivers are required, you may just reboot and it should recognize a new hardware.

just try..

normally key board can show different types of problems,here in your keyboard i think there is no problem because from your scrap i can understand that you tried with an another keyboard with your computr,which is also showing same problems,so the problem iss with in the keyboard driver softwere which you get a cd along with a your keyboard ,or some files of winxp is having some serious error,thats why from the start up you find problems,so just upgrade your win xp your problems will be solved

is this a ps2 or usb keyboard connection?

I wonder if you've turned on Sticky keys by error?
Press the shift key 5 times to reset.

Try unplugging all usb cables, powering off your pc. Unplugged the power cable, press and hold the power button for a few seconds. Plug you power cable back in, turn your pc back on. Once logged in plug each usb cable in one at a time.

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