I'm trying to fix my computer after my brother managed to mess it up. Currently WindowsUpdate is giving me troubles. It downloads all the updates but is unable to install them (and won't give an error message). It just says "the following updates could not be installed".

Now I searched around and found out that the problem could be solved by deleting or renaming the folder "CatRoot2", but windows tells me that it is being used by other processess. I shut down all antivirus and anti-spyware programs as well as deactivated WindowsUpdate but all to no avail.

Any help?

I have exactly the same problem but have no idea what is causing it. any help from anyone would be appreciated.....?!

You can only delete important system directories in safe mode.

Is your windows genuine?
What SP is it?
What version?

By any small chance do you have the default program files directory on a drive other than the systemdrive?

Nope, only have 1 drive.

And yes, Windows is genuine. XP with Service Pack 2.

I had this happen on a number of fresh installs ,not sure how it fixed itself but it do each time ,just keep doing the install updates ,and i believe it will correct itself!!

One drive... one partition/volume for most folks, not meaning one disk, there. OK.. so if you only have a C: drive then that is not the problem. I mentioned it cos I had one particular update fail continually, and the M$ advice was to rename Catroot2, but it made no difference - the prob turned out that the update could not hack the default pgm files directory being in a drive other thatn systemdrive - I had it in D:, while the OS was in C:. A quick swap, update went in, and reset.

Now, if you're not an administrator you may not be able to install it. Talk to a parent and se their account if you are an administrator though you should check how much memory you have and if you have plenty (in the gigabytes) check the microsoft update page they should have troubleshooting on it.

Not an expert here, but have had this problem on 5computers over the last month.

First install the newly released 'standalone' version of Windows Update
Agent 3.0, v7.0.6000.374


To run this install you must close any programs that are running, all antivirus, etc.

Then check to see
If "Update for Windows XP (KB927891)" is listed in Add/Remove Programs (make
sure Show Updates box is checked), is already installed. This will be toward the bottom of the window, they are not in any particular order but this would have a June 2007 date.

If installed reboot the PC and try windows update again.

If not installed go to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927891 and reinstall the fix.
Reboot and try windows update again.

This fixed it on all the machines, but I have a few more suggestions if this does not work.

I had this problem and to fix it entailed an hour on the phone to Microsoft with a dozen changes to the directory. I followed the instructions slavishly and the problem was fixed. They sent me an email detailing what had been done. In my case it was a reinstal of XP Pro sp2. I am anewcomer so don't know how but if you can contact me directly I will send a copy of the email.

I had this problem and to fix it entailed an hour on the phone to Microsoft with a dozen changes to the directory. I followed the instructions slavishly and the problem was fixed. They sent me an email detailing what had been done. In my case it was a reinstal of XP Pro sp2. I am anewcomer so don't know how but if you can contact me directly I will send a copy of the email.

Please check your PM's I would like a copy of the email


I have no personal messages showing.

I have no personal messages showing.


I got your forwarded email from MS. sent from Brian?
We had given that a try, but only more greif.

She is having promblems with a worm and some of the run commands will not work etc.

System32 folder does not show, and Ctrl+Alt+Del will not bring up the task manager.

Probably time to save what she can and do a clean install.

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