I'm running Windows XP on my main HD and due to a trojan/virus, I have ended up with bridge.dll missing during Windows startup. I have tried my damn'dest to fix this problem but I haven't been able to. I have tried 3 times to reinstall Windows on that drive and during installation of the device drivers, installation came up with Unregmp2.exe error something to do with file GeIums Msdart.dll and also Olimport.exe..In Windows XP I am not able to connect to the internet because Windows XP is missing certain devices and files that I require to install such things as dialup adapter.

I hope you can help on this matter and I thankyou in advance for your assistance.



Please try this, click start, click run, type this exactly as I have it here

sfc /scannow (notice the space between c $ /)

Now click ok, this will run system file checker and should replace any corrupted or missing Windows files. You may be prompted for your XP cd during the scan so have it handy. HTH

Thankyou for your reply. I will do this as soon as I boot up to my win XP installation on C drive.......I'll get back to you as soon as it's done to tell ya of the results.


I tried what you said but it doesn't seem to have worked. I will keep on trying some other things though. I will look around here to see if I can find the disk with XP SP1 on it. I haven't been able to download it being a 120 meg file and I am on dialup. I was downloading it the other day but after it almost being done, I got disconnected from the net and when I went to resume, the bloody thing (I'm Aussie) started downloading from scratch.


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